During the cessation of group activities due to Covid-19, it became evident the Puget Sound PCC needed to be revitalized. I worked sedulously to spread the word- via emails, flyers and in person visits to Postal business and PCC members that the Puget Sound Postal Customer Council has resumed operations.

I found that in person and direct phone calls were the most effect method to reconnect.

The National PCC Week held at Seattle P&DC was well received with over 30 people. The members and potential new members were engaged and asked our headquarters speakers Carla Anderson and Robert Dixon many questions on Innovations of Technology and Ground Advantage that applies now to you as a postal business customer.

One participant commented:

“The best part of the event was being in person, seeing new faces, the professionalism of the speakers and getting new PCC information. When is the next event”, - Miranda “Mandy” Cavender. Consolidated Mail Services.

The in-person session was also offered to Postal employees.

USPS employee commented:

“I love that I can use this vital information and bring it back to my business customers and hopefully they can be a part of the Puget Sound PCC since its back open to in person events, this is awesome” - Troy Smith, Business Network Specialist.

After the event I personally went around and asked each person what went right and what can be improved. One of the suggestions for the next time is “Speak on low-cost for mailers since things have changed since Covid-19 first happened”. I said that we are having a PCC meeting in October, and you are more than welcome to voice that question and hopefully we can have a solution to your question.

The Puget Sound Postal Customer Council is back and would love for you to come back home and resume our beautiful working relationship with the postal service. The Puget Sound PCC wants to offer their membership and potential members educational events such as new postal incentives for the year 2024.

As a result of the National PCC Week Event, Puget Sound PCC has gained 25 new members during and after this successful PCC Day event.